Back in the day, it could do 81 mph / 130 km/h Rafale V is a historic hydroplane created in 1934 by Chauvière of Vitry-sur-Seine powered by a 36-liter Hispano-Suiza…
Author: Andrei Nedelea
Need somebody to bore you with ideal bore to stroke ratios, or the intricacies of how variable valve timing works? Ask Andrei and watch the hours roll by… He’s also quite a strange bloke who never turns the air-con on in any car for the very obvious reason of it sapping power. He says that’s what racing car drivers do, but he’s really only referring to people in overalls with sweaty pits. Speaking of pits, Andrei also fancies a bit of track driving, yet holds no bias towards which configuration is best suited for the circuit - he likes rear-wheel drive for having fun, and front-wheel drive for a good lap time challenge.
You can pedal over water in the Manta5 Hydrofoil Bike
Called Hydrofoiler XE-1, it comes from New Zealand and it’s almost ready for preorder Pedaling over water is something we laughed at in an old episode of Top Gear, but…