Domestically built

The Chinese Navy has launched its second aircraft carrier.
The new ship is due to enter service in 2020, joining the existing aircraft carrier, named Liaoning. The carrier in service is a Soviet-era ship, bought secondhand from Ukraine, and refurbished by the Chinese.
Now, China launches its first domestically-built carrier. The official announcement was made by the Xinhua agency. The launch was marked by festivities in Dalian, Liaoning province. It is estimated that China intends to expand its fleet of aircraft carriers to six ships in the future.

The new ship, based on the design of the Liaoning, is now known as Type 001A. She is built by the state-owned China Shipbuilding Industry Corp. The ship doesn't have a steam catapult for launching war airplanes, like the American carriers.
Photo credits: AP, The Guardian, Bloomberg