Project Mistral, one of the biggest vessels built by German shipyard Lurssen is nearing completion.

Project Mistral, one of the biggest vessels built by German shipyard Lurssen is nearing completion. Shrouded in much secrecy, Project Mistral is benefiting by naval architecture by Lurssen and exterior design by Espen Oino. It uses a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure with five decks. The process of building it has lasted 31 months.

The exact length is unknown, Lurssen admitting only that is longer than 100 meters. Another source is suggesting that the Project Mistral is 106 meters long. With these numbers, Project Mistral will be one of the biggest superyachts in the world, potentially in the top 30. After delivery, Project Mistral will be heading to Middle East. Lurssen in currently working on another superyacht, the 156 meters long Project Omar. This vessel will become the fourth largest yacht in the world after delivery.